
WW: A Nice Sunday Evening Walk (Instagram)

by - Januar 15, 2013

Ich freue mich, dass Ihr wieder am "Wordless Wednesday" bei mir vorbeischaut. Wenn Ihr auch ein oder mehrere Fotos habt, die Ihr gerne zeigen möchtet, dann macht mit und hinterlasst Euren Link.
Liebe Grüße und schaut mal bei meiner Verlosung vorbei!

It´s Wordless Wednesday again! I´m so happy you are stopping by! Please feel free to link up!
Have a happy WW!

Please head over to my friends...
Dagmar´s Momsense , Kristi@Live and Love out Loud , Alicia @ Project Alicia ,  

Sarah Halstead @the Naptime Momtog , Duni@Duni´s Studio

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7 comment(s)

  1. Lovely picture! Thanks for hosting and come visit me at NanaHood.com and link up if you have time!

  2. Love it! What a great place for an evening walk. :)

  3. That looks wonderful! I'd like to be there :).

  4. Beautiful structure and lighting. :)

  5. You were the person before me at Create With Joy's Wordless Wed. today. What a lovely photo!

  6. Love the lighting in this image, you have captured the warmth of this building well



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