
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday: A Day at the Zoological and the Botanical Garden!

by - Juni 08, 2011

Letzte Woche (am Feiertag) fuhren wir in den Tier und Pflanzenpark ganz in unserer Nähe. Die Kinder freuten sich und das Wetter war perfekt!

Last week we went to the Zoological and Botanical Garden which is close by. The kids were so excited and the weather was perfect!

Die Wölfe...

The wolves... 

...und Bären warteten ganz sehnsüchtig auf ihr Futter!

...and bears waited anxiously for there food to come!

Und glücklicherweise fanden unsere Kinder "wieder" ein paar große Stöcke zum spielen! Sammeln Eure Kinder auch so gerne Stöcke? Wir haben bestimmt schon hunderte in unserem Garten liegen... ;o)

And luckily our kids found  "again" some long sticks to play with! Do your kids also love to collect sticks? I think we have already a hundred of them laying in our backyard...;o)

Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Mittwoch! Und nicht vergessen bei meinen Freunden vorbeizuschauen, die auch am Wordless Wednesday teilnehmen!

Have a happy WW and don´t forget to link up!

Liebe Grüße,/Love,

Please head over to my friends and see more Wordless Wednesdays!

Live and Love...Out Loud

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16 comment(s)

  1. Love the photos especially the wolf,

    Looks like the kids had fun...happy WW!

  2. Definitely like the wolf too, but the bear is also a favorite. My kids love sticks as well.

  3. oh yes, all 3 of my kids are always collecting sticks of all kinds :)

  4. We're hoping to get to the zoo this week, lots of fun!!

  5. My kids would love that. What a fun summer activity!

  6. What beautiful pictures - it looks like you had a great time.

  7. This is funny, I used to collect sticks when I was a kid. My tot is happy when he gets to take his little car along.
    I used to have a 'Tierpark' just close by when I was living in Europe.

  8. Great Pictures. The animals look content. The little ones I know had fun.It is funny to watch them playing with their sticks. I guess they all do it. I know I did.

  9. We too have lots of sticks, although those ones beat any that we have!

  10. Sieht nach einem großen Tierpark aus. Meine Zwerge lieben das auch! Gruß, Katja

  11. What a wonderful day! I added your button to my post; thanks for linking up!

    Liebe Grusse,
    Dagmar's momsense

  12. What a great day at the zoo. My children collect sticks and feathers as well.

    Very nice to meet you, new follower.

  13. We love the zoo and my 8 year old loves playing with sticks! I think our kids would get along well, Verena. :)

  14. Great pictures. I really enjoyed seeing them. Thanks for sharing. Doylene

  15. Those are nice pictures!


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